2017-18 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Augusta Technical College exists to educate its students; to advance, preserve, and disseminate knowledge; and to advance the public interest and the welfare of society as a whole. Essential to such purposes is an orderly climate of academic integrity, of rational and critical inquiry, of intellectual freedom, and of freedom of individual thought and expression consistent with the rights of others. To the end that such a climate may be established and maintained, the College and each member of the College community have reciprocal rights and obligations. It is the obligation of the College to ensure orderly operation, to preserve academic freedom, to protect the rights of all members of the College community, to prohibit acts which materially and substantially interfere with legitimate educational objectives or interfere with the rights of others, and to take appropriate disciplinary action where conduct adversely affects the College's pursuit of its educational objectives.

Membership in the College community confers certain rights upon students and requires certain responsibilities of them, which are defined below. It is expected that students understand and exercise their rights, fulfill their responsibilities, and respect the rights of others. The College is expected to ensure these responsibilities and accord these rights to students. Knowledge of these rights can help students avoid the sanctions prescribed for a breach of responsibilities. More importantly, this knowledge can help students help the College and the College community preserve a climate in which their educational and career goals and identity can be developed without denying this same opportunity to others. Unfamiliarity with the following does not excuse students from carrying out their responsibilities as members of the College community.