Spring Semester 2018 Catalog


Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered. Attendance requirements vary by course and program and will be clearly stated on the course syllabus. Course participation includes completing activities such as submitting assignments, taking exams/quizzes, interactive tutorials or computer-assisted instruction. Students enrolled in online courses are expected to participate in the online class by completing assignments, contributing to online discussions, and maintaining contact with their instructor. Logging into the online class does not establish student enrollment and participation in the course.

Students must establish enrollment and course participation each semester before financial aid funds are disbursed. Student attendance will be monitored for the first seven calendar days of each semester. Monitoring attendance beyond the seventh day is at the instructor’s discretion.

Instructor Initiated Withdrawals

Throughout the course of the academic term, instructors will review their course rosters. In courses with a formal attendance policy, students who have violated the attendance policy will be reported as withdrawn by the instructor. In courses without formal attendance policies, instructors will conduct course censuses at predetermined dates during the term. During a census, students will be reported as withdrawn if, in the instructors best judgement, the student has fully stopped participating in the course. Students will be notified through their Smartweb e-mail at the time of the withdrawal.

Appeal Procedure for Instructor Initiated Withdrawals

A student withdrawn for violation of class participation/attendance regulations may appeal first to the instructor by submitting a written appeal via Smartweb e-mail within two (2) days after official notification of the withdrawal. The appeal email must contain:

  • a written narrative stating the reason for each absence or explanation for lack of class participation.
  • supporting documentation that explains the reason(s) for being absent or lack of class participation (e.g., doctor’s excuse, hospital documentation).

Based on the student’s documentation, circumstances, and class standing, the instructor may reinstate the student. If the student is not reinstated, the student may then appeal to the Dean by submitting a written appeal via Smartweb email within two (2) days after official notification from the instructor. If the student is not reinstated, the student may appeal the decision of the Dean to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs by submitting a written appeal via Smartweb email within two (2) days after official notification from the Dean.