Spring Semester 2020 Catalog

Academic Probation and Suspension

A student who earns a term grade point average of less than 2.0 will be placed on academic probation during the next term of registration and enrollment. A student will be suspended for one term if a grade point average of less than 2.0 is earned during the term the individual is enrolled on academic probation. During the first term of enrollment after academic suspension, a student is placed on academic probation.

A student who fails or does not successfully complete (earn a grade of “C” or higher as required for courses specified in the college catalog) a course twice will not be allowed to repeat that course for one year and will be allowed to retake a third time on a space available basis only. After receiving academic counseling, the exception is general education courses for which the student may register for on a space available basis during the add/drop period for the term; however, a new or continuing student will be given registration priority over a student retaking a course(s) for the third time. A student who is academically suspended from a program twice will not be allowed to reenter that program. Students in either of the above categories are required to have academic advising by their advisor(s) before repeating a course. Reapplication for admission does not mandate acceptance to the same program after the first suspension from that program.

Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any two courses attempted in their program of study as specified in NOTES as listed in the Program of Study section of the College catalog will be suspended from their program for one year. Before reentering the program, the student must complete an individualized remedial program assigned by the department head. Students who do not earn a grade of “C” or higher in any three courses with these prefixes will not be allowed to reenter that program or course(s).