Summer Semester 2020 Catalog

Transient Admission

A student in good standing at another institution may enroll as a transient student on a space-available basis in order to complete work to be transferred back to the student’s home institution. A transient student should be advised in writing by the home institution concerning recommended courses. The transient student must:

  1. Submit an online application for admission to the host institution.
  2. Present a Transient Agreement Letter from the Registrar, Academic Dean or other designated official of the home institution indicating that the student is in good standing, eligible to return to that institution and has the specific courses for which the student is eligible to register for are listed. NOTE: The 25-hour credit maximum may be waived for the student upon the recommendation of the home institution.
  3. Pay scheduled fees for the host institution.

Eligible program admitted students at Augusta Technical College desiring to take a course or courses at another institution must have prior approval from the Registrar. Please contact Student Records Office for more information.