Fall Semester 2024 Catalog

Reinstatement of Eligibility and Appeals Process

Policy for Reinstatement of Eligibility for Financial Aid

  1. A student whose GPA is classified as unsatisfactory can re-establish eligibility when the cumulative GPA reaches 2.0. Students may re-establish good standing when they have cumulatively completed 67% of their attempted credit hours.
  2. The above requirements to re-establish financial aid will be at the student's expense unless a Financial Aid Appeal has been approved. 

Financial Aid Appeal Process

Students that did not meet the qualitative and/or the quantitative components will be notified via their Augusta Technical College’s student Smartweb email account of their failure to make satisfactory academic progress at the end of Fall Term and Spring Term after grades have been posted.  If the student was placed on Financial Aid Suspension and feels there were extenuating circumstances beyond his/her control that kept him/her from maintaining satisfactory progress, he/she may appeal in writing by completing the Financial Aid Appeal form (supporting documentation must be attached).  Examples of extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to: death or extended illness of a family member, illness or injury of student, house fire, or victim of a violent crime. Work conflicts are not ex­tenuating circumstances.  Appeals must be submitted by the first day of the semester for which the student is requesting reinstatement of financial aid.  Only completed appeals will be considered submitted. Students are only allowed 1 appeal during their academic career.

Filing a Financial Aid Appeal

In order to appeal your Termination, you must:

  • Be accepted into a program of study
  • Be enrolled in classes for the term for which you wish to appeal
  • Have a completed FAFSA on file (all required documents are submitted)

If you meet the above requirements:

  • Complete the Financial Aid Appeal Form
  • Type your appeal statement
  • Attached supporting documentation (no appeals will be accepted without valid documentation)
  • Complete Academic Plan
  • Submit to the Financial Aid Office


Outcome of Appeals

Appeal are reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee.  Please note the decision is final and cannot be appealed to a higher authority at the college or to the Department of Education.


Financial Aid Appeal Results

SAP Appeal Approved (Probation)

Academic performance of students on Probation is monitored after end of term grading.  Students who violate their probation status and remain below the standards will be placed back in Financial Aid Termination and aid will be removed. In rare cases, some students may meet SAP standards regardless of unacceptable grade. These students will be placed in satisfactory status and become eligible for aid.


If your appeal is denied you will remain in Financial Aid Suspension Status and will not be eligible for any federal and state Financial Aid until the standards are met.