Fall Semester 2024 Catalog

Attendance and Withdrawal Policy

Attendance Policy

Students must establish enrollment and course participation each semester before financial aid funds are disbursed.  Additionally, Faculty must monitor participation through attendance taking and/or submission of assignments throughout the semester.  

Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered. Course participation includes completing activities such as submitting assignments, taking exams/quizzes, and interactive tutorials or computer-assisted instruction. Students enrolled in online courses are expected to participate in the online class by completing assignments, contributing to online discussions, and maintaining contact with their instructor. Logging into the online class does not establish student enrollment and participation in the course.

Some academic programs have attendance policies.  Occupational courses for Associate Degree Nursing and Practical Nursing Diploma require attendance for students to meet minimum standards required by the Georgia Board of Nursing.  Students who do not meet the minimum hour requirement for a course with a subject code RNSG or PNSG cannot progress to the subsequent program course.



Withdrawal Policy

Students are responsible for withdrawing themselves from any or all of their classes through Banner Web; students may also submit a signed Schedule Change Form to the Student Records Office or send an email from their SmartWeb email address to the Registrar to withdraw from classes. Students who do not withdraw from classes will be assigned the grade(s) earned. No student initiated withdrawals will be processed after the withdrawal period ends. The withdrawal period runs through the 75% mark of all courses. Students may withdraw from any, or all, courses from their schedule through that period. A student who withdraws from a course will receive a ‘W’ for that course.

Any student receiving federal student aid (Pell, SEOG, etc.) who completely withdraws from all classes during a given period of enrollment, and completes less than 60% of the term, may be required to return funds to Augusta Technical College and/or the US Department of Education.

**Important Note: The date in which you withdraw from all coursework will be the date utilized to calculate your percentage of course completion.**

In certain instances, the Registrar or Vice President of Student Affairs may act on behalf of a student to withdraw the student from classes. This may include various situations such as active duty, suspension, incarceration, injury or illness, death, or additional formal requests for withdrawal. Depending on the circumstances, documentation (e.g., proof of incarceration, a letter from a physician/hospital, or a death certificate) may be required to accompany a withdrawal in these instances. 


Dual Enrollment

Dual-enrollment students need to contact their high school counselor in order to withdraw from a course. The high school counselor will be expected to contact an Augusta Technical College Dual Enrollment Advisor to process the withdrawal. Active high school students will not be withdrawn without confirmation from the high school counselor.
Effective Summer 2020, students with two or more withdrawals become ineligible for Dual Enrollment Funding.


Unofficial Withdrawals

A student who earns all Fs in a given term or a combination of Fs and Ws (meaning the student withdrew from a class) may be considered an ‘unofficial withdrawal’. Unofficial withdrawals are those who cease attending class(es). Faculty must enter a last date of attendance for students who earn a grade of ‘F’ for the class.  Once grades are submitted and faculty rosters are verified at the end of a term, unofficial withdrawals (those who earned the F due to ceasing participation) may be required to return funds to Augusta Technical College and/or the U.S. Department of Education. Students who truly earned Fs that were not due to ceasing attendance are not considered to have withdrawn; therefore, those students’ aid is not recalculated for the class(es) in question. All students who unofficially withdraw before the midpoint of the term will be assigned an unofficial withdrawal date identified as the 50% point of the term.

The institutional refund policy and federal aid refund policy (Return to Title IV) can be found in Financial Aid. We encourage you to be aware of these policies and how you are affected by them should you withdraw or otherwise cease attendance before a term concludes—officially or unofficially.