Summer Semester 2024 Catalog

Administrative Organization

State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia

Augusta Technical College is under the governance of the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia (State Board).  The State Board is the legal body responsible for providing overall policy for the management of Georgia's technical colleges as stated in State Board policy as well as the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.). The State Board provides overall policies for the management of the System and the individual Technical Colleges to ensure that the needs of the citizenry, business, and industry are met to the highest possible degree and in the most cost-effective and efficient manner. In accordance with Article I, Section 2 of its bylaws, the State Board consists of not less than one member from each of the 13 congressional districts and nine at-large members who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate for five-year terms. Members represent business, industry, or economic development.

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Board of Directors of Augusta Technical College

Members of the Augusta Technical College local board of directors are nominated for their positions by area industry and educational officials and approved by the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia. The Board of Directors meet monthly to interpret the State Board policies and provide supplemental policies to ensure that the needs of the the college's five county service area are met. Responsibilities include reviewing and approving goals and objectives, short-range and long-range plans, facilities expansion, program additions and changes, and the annual budget before submission for approval by the State Board.

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Advisory Committees

In accordance with TCSG policy 5.1.3 - Technical Advisory Committees, select occupational programs work closely with Technical Advisory Committees to advise the State Board on the development of curricula to address labor market needs.  These committees are purposed to provide expert support for each associate degree, diploma, and select technical certificate of credit programs.  Technical Advisory Committees work closely with their respective occupational programs and provide advice as to the adequacy of equipment, facilities, instruction, and graduates' job performance capabilities.  In addition, the committees are established to promote interaction between the occupational program and stakeholders in the community served by the program.  Interaction includes using the expertise of the committee member to improve curriculum content and program operation.

Technical Advisory Committee membership is representative of the community and employment market served by the occupational program.  As Augusta Technical College serves five counties, representation of all five counties is sought for each committee.  Faculty members from each occupational program or program-related group, with assistance from College administrators, select the Technical Advisory Committee members.