2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Student Activities

Field Trips

Field Trips
Field trips can be an important component of a student’s educational experience and the use of such out of classroom experiences Augusta Technical College is encouraged when appropriate. College-sponsored field trips shall be education-related and conducted with a focus on the safety of students and staff, fiscal responsibility and academic responsibility.

Field Trip: any activity which normally involves off-campus travel for one or more students enrolled in the college or Adult Education program. Independent study, internships, class meetings, and off campus work on an individual project are not considered Field Trips.


A. Students participating in field trips are required to sign “Assumption of Risk, Agreement to Abide by Code of Conduct, Release of Liability, and Limited Medical Authorization”; if the student is under the age of 18, the form must be executed by a parent or legal guardian. This form is available in the Office of Student Activities.

B. Augusta Technical College provides reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities to enable them to participate in field trips. Questions regarding accommodations may be addressed to the college’s Section 504 Coordinator.
Students are subject to all policies and procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct.

GOAL Program

The Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) is cosponsored statewide by the Georgia Chamber of
Commerce and the Technical College System of Georgia. GOAL is cosponsored locally by The Optimist Club of Augusta and Augusta Technical College. The purposes of the GOAL Program are to give recognition annually to the State’s outstanding postsecondary technical students and to stimulate public interest in the importance of technical education.
The main objectives of the GOAL Program are the following:
1. To spotlight the importance of technical education in modern society
2. To reward students who excel in learning a skill
3. To encourage pride in workmanship
4. To generate greater respect and appreciation for the working person
5. To emphasize the dignity of work in today’s society

All students with a 3.0 GPA who have completed at least 12 semester hours toward program graduation at a technical college are eligible for GOAL nomination. From these nominations, a committee chooses four outstanding students from degree or diploma programs. Finally, the College winner, chosen from the four finalists, is selected to compete in the annual statewide GOAL competition in Atlanta. The College winner must be enrolled in the same program or same program group throughout the competition.