2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Traffic and Parking Regulations

Regulations are designed to make traffic and parking on campus as safe and convenient as possible. Parking on the campus  of Augusta  Technical  College  is a privilege  afforded  to students,  faculty,  staff,  and visitors.  This privilege  can be revoked at any time by the college President,  or designee, at their discretion.  Revocation  of parking privileges can result from any violation of the policies set forth in this regulation. In lieu of revocation of parking  privileges,  the  college  President,  or designee,  may,  at their  sole  discretion,  assign  violators  an  area where they may park. The regulations apply to students, college employees, and visitors. All motorized vehicles must be registered. Each person operating a vehicle on campus will be issued a campus parking decal, which must be placed in a designated area on an automobile. Pedestrians will have the right-­‐of-­‐way at all times.

The following are violations of college policy as well as county and state laws:
1. exceeding speed limit as  posted;
2. parking in illegal, restricted, or reserved zones;
3. parking on lawns or walks;
4. no campus parking permit;
5. driving on sidewalks, walkways, shrubs, or lawn;
6. parking adjacent to all curbs, including yellow curbs, or areas posted “No Parking;”
7. running a stop sign; and
8. any other violation of county and state laws.

These regulations are in effect 24 hours a day. Violations will be enforced and are subject to penalties and fines. Repeated violations of any kind will result in fines. Students who are delinquent in the payment of fines will not be allowed to register for subsequent terms, or receive grade reports, transcripts, diplomas, or other student records until all fines are paid. Hazardous and improperly parked vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Parking permits for student vehicles may be obtained in the Office of Student Accounts.
These regulations are designed to make traffic and parking on campus as safe and convenient as possible.