Fall Semester 2024 Catalog

Admissions Categories

Regular Status

Students who meet all requirements for admission into a selected program and are eligible to take all courses in the program curriculum are granted regular admission status.


Transient Status

A student in good standing at another institution may enroll as a transient student on a space-available basis in order to complete work to be transferred back to the student’s home institution. A transient student should be advised in writing by the home institution concerning recommended courses. The transient student must:

  1. Submit an online application for admission to the host institution.
  2. Present a Transient Agreement Letter from the Registrar, Academic Dean or other designated official of the home institution indicating that the student is in good standing, eligible to return to that institution and has the specific courses for which the student is eligible to register for are listed. NOTE: The 21-hour credit maximum may be waived for the student upon the recommendation of the home institution.
  3. Pay scheduled fees for the host institution.

Eligible program admitted students at Augusta Technical College desiring to take a course or courses at another institution must have prior approval from the Registrar. Please contact Student Records Office for more information. 


Special Admit Status (Non-credential seeking)

Special admission is granted to applicants on a space available basis who desire to take credit courses for personal or professional benefit but do not plan to earn a degree, diploma, or Technical Certificate of Credit. Special admission students should be aware of the following admissions criteria:

  1. Transcripts are not evaluated except on request by students and/or college officials for proof of English, Math, or other course prerequisites.
  2. International students may not be admitted.
  3. Students receiving financial assistance requiring certification of enrollment may not be admitted.
  4. Prerequisite and/or co-requisite course requirements will apply.
  5. Out-of-school applicants must be 18 years of age or older to be admitted.
  6. Students on academic suspension may not be admitted.
  7. A student may count up to a maximum of 17 semester hours of credit toward a specific degree/diploma/technical certificate of credit program while in this status.
  8. Special admit students have the prerogative to apply for regular student status but must meet the requirements of the regular student admissions process.
  9. Special admit students receive credit for regular program coursework that is satisfactorily completed.
  10. Special admit students are not eligible for financial aid.


Auditing Classes

Regular, provisional, or special admission students may audit a class and receive no credit. However, a student will be permitted to re-register for the course for credit at a later date. In addition, a student must see Admissions or Student Records before the time of registration or by the end of the drop/add period in order to register for the course. Courses taken on an audit basis will not be used for certification for Financial Aid, Social Security, or Veterans Administration educational benefits. Students auditing course(s) must pay the regular tuition and fees for enrollment.