Fall Semester 2024 Catalog

Placement Testing

Applicants for a degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs must take the ACCUPLACER Next Generation placement test. The ACCUPLACER Next Generation placement test is a series of placement tests in the areas of sentence skills, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and elementary algebra. It is a computerized multiple-choice format test and is not timed. Calculators are provided for some sections of the test. For more information on the ACCPLACER Next Generation placement test visit the College Placement Exam webpage.

The following tests may be used in lieu of the ACCUPLACER Next Generation placement test:

  • High school GPA after completion of 10th grade of 2.0 or higher

  • GED®Math or Reading must meet the minimum passing score if used for placement into any certificate, diploma, or degree program.
  • A student possessing an Associate’s degree of shall be exempted from placement requirements.
  • Official transcripts from a regionally or nationally accredited postsecondary institution recognized by the United States Department of Education documenting equivalent program-level English and math coursework successfully completed (C or better) may be used in lieu of placement exams.
  • HiSET, Math, Reading or Language Arts must meet the minimum passing score if used for placement into any certificate, diploma, or degree program.
  • TABE 9-10 scores of 461 or higher in reading and 442 or higher in math for placement into entry level workforce certificate programs
  • TABE 11/12 scores of 501 in Reading for Levels M and D and 496 for Mathematics on Levels M and D.A score of 536 for Reading if using Level A and 537 for Mathematics if using Level A.
  • Georgia Milestones Literature & Composition or Georgia Milestones American Literature & Composition (English admission requirement only)
  • Completed TCSG form documenting two years of work/career related experience for approved Entry Level Workforce Certificates




Applicants with a learning or physical disability that may require testing accommodations must notify Counseling Services on the Augusta Campus or Student Services on the Thomson, Waynesboro Sites, and the Columbia County Center at least two days prior to the scheduled tests to arrange testing accommodations. Appropriate documentation will be required before allowing test accommodations.


Scoring below provisional cut scores:

Applicants who score below the provisional cut scores in English, math, or reading on the ACCUPLACER Next Generation tests are referred to Adult Education for remediation. When remediation has been completed, as determined by Adult Education, the applicant will be eligible to retest.