2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Weight Reduction

Present estimates are that 40 to 80 million Americans fall into the overweight category. Twenty million Americans are "clinically obese"‐one person in ten. Hundreds of fad diets hit the market each year, and each diet is advertised as the latest sure‐cure for obesity. Experience shows, however, that short term restrictive diets produce short-lived successes. No wonder Americans go on an average of 1.4 diets per person per year!

How did we get so fat? We have perhaps been too successful at developing work‐saving devices that require less and less expenditure of human energy. Eating has become a socially preferred and culturally conditioned activity. We have grown up in the midst of plenty, so we eat plenty. These are some of the reasons we are fat, but they are also poor excuses.

How can you begin to balance your energy needs and your eating? You've got to begin with a belief in your own ability to control your eating.

Develop sound nutritional habits. That means eating foods from all four food groups (see Nutrition) and eating reasonable portions. Junk foods like soft drinks, candy, chips, pies, cakes, and cookies are loaded with sugar, fats and calories. They are best avoided. Eating well balanced meals, including breakfast, will prevent the munchies and get you off to a good start.

Increase your energy expenditure through daily exercise and recreation. This burns calories and also helps maintain muscle tone. Take the stairs, or ride your bike instead of driving. Weather in the CSRA makes it easy for you to be active outdoors all year. Start these changes slowly and work up, making it a regular part of your daily routine.

Do you eat when you are bored or when you study, even if you are not hungry? Do you eat too fast or too much before you know it? Try to be aware of your eating behavior, and try to be responsive to your body's needs.

If need be, get involved in changing your eating habits either through joining a weight reduction program or by beginning to manage your weight problem on your own.